Saturday, February 26, 2011

Night Watch

by Terry Pratchett

(first read on Dec 4, 2006.)

Now on my shelf!
LibraryThing link

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Rutherford B. Hayes

by Ari Hoogenboom

This is a good book, worth far more of a review than can be generated from my beleaguered brain. Professor Hoogenboom looks at Rutherford Hayes not as the president whose administration lost the Reconstruction, but rather as a man who made the best he could of a lousy situation. (Hoogenboom argues that Reconstruction was on its way out anyway.) The book is actually an enjoyable tale of a charismatic, noble man who had moments of struggle against powerful opponents. Hayes didn't always win, but he always stood his ground. And, Hoogenboom argues, he tempered the results so that his opponents never really got everything they desired. So I highly recommend the book. (even if I can't write a decent review of it.)

Check it out!
LibraryThing link

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Sunday, February 06, 2011

The Flash Companion

edited by Keith Dallas

Waiting room material for us comics fans.
LibraryThing link


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