Wednesday, April 10, 2019


by Robert J. Sawyer

First read in July 2007.
Last read in December 2010.

On my shelf
LibraryThing link

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Tuesday, April 09, 2019

To Live Among the Stars

by John Garrett

My wife and I have picked up a number of books on the history of Christianity. We had just about all of the inhabited continents covered except for Australia. My wife sent out to rectify this  and found this book. It actually did not cover Australia, but instead told the history of Oceania--the islands of the southern Pacific. It was an interesting and somewhat surprising book. The recent centuries of the growth of the Church has been tainted with its involvement with Western imperialism. The introduction of Christianity into the South Seas likewise hitched a ride with the imperialists, but those Islanders who became Christian embraced the faith and ran with it. (Well, actually they used boats, but you know what I mean.) While To Live Among the Stars is somewhat terse in it's storytelling, it does give a good sense of what the times, people and places were like.

Check it out!
LibraryThing link

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