Friday, March 18, 2011

Twenty Years After

by Alexandre Dumas

A sequel to The Three Musketeers. Like most sequels, not as good as the original. But I enjoyed it none the less.

Gotta find room on my shelf.
LibraryThing link

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Something Old, Something New

by Lynn Johnston

Yeah, I know, I said I gave up being a For Better or For Worse fan. I thought Lynn Johnston's idea of recycling and adding to her old strips was a bad idea. But since other family members borrowed this first collection of her new classics, I figured I might as well give it a read. The first thing I have to say is that Ms. Johnston hasn't totally lost it. While on the whole I didn't enjoy the new stuff as much as the originals, her new material did provide a laugh or two. Furthermore, there were also some classic strips that never made it into the collections I already own. I'm half tempted to pick up a copy of this book. Well, maybe only a third tempted. Either way, I'm glad I checked it out.

LibraryThing link

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Friday, March 11, 2011


by Donald Zochert

My wife borrowed this biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder and I snuck a peek before she had to return it to the Library. While it's not an in depth work, Mr. Zochert does a good job of telling the real story of her life--filling in the gaps between the events recorded in the Little House books and giving Mrs. Wilder's life story some historical context.

LibraryThing link


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