Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Universe Next Door

by James W. Sire

An excellent primer on the major worldviews of the Western world. Some folks may be put off by the fact that it's written from the theistic Christian worldview. But then, any book is going to have to be written from one perspective or another.

It's on my shelf.
LibraryThing link


Friday, May 16, 2014

Little Evils

by Pete Abrams

First read on 3 January 2008

on my shelf
LibraryThing link

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Monday, May 12, 2014

When Holidays Attack

by Pete Abrams

In the third Sluggy Freelance collection we're treated to the first Hallowe'en sortie against Torg by the denizens of the Dimension of Pain, a flashback to Torg and Riff's junior high days, an ancient Egyptian tomb, an attempted murder from the future, and an attempt by the demon K'z'k (no vowels) to take over the world. Oh, and the holidays attack.

How can all this niftyness fit on my shelf? 
LibraryThing link

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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Worship the Comic

by Pete Abrams

The second Sluggy Freelance collection is slightly less brilliant than the first, but it made me giggle just the same. In this book Torg first encounters the Dimension of Pain, Bun Bun takes off with Riff's robot and the gang encounter the Lysinda circle of vampires.

On my shelf!
LibraryThing link

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Friday, May 09, 2014

Is It Not Nifty?

by Pete Abrams

This is the first collection of strips from the webcomic Sluggy Freelance. The art is somewhat crude. The storylines are simplistic. Some of the gags are dated. But I continue to laugh out loud.

'Tis forever on my shelf.
LibraryThing link

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Thursday, May 08, 2014


by Jean Fritz

Traitor is a juvenile biography of Benedict Arnold, the general who ironically made American history by switching over to the British side of the war in 1779. The book was an enjoyable read, giving enough detail to not only tell Arnold's life story but also to make me want to read more about the politics and society during the Revolutionary War. Benedict Arnold himself was quite a character. Ms. Fritz portrays him with some sympathy but never really holds him up as anything like a hero.

Check it out.
LibraryThing link

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Friday, May 02, 2014

A Skeleton in God's Closet

by Paul Maier

This one's a mystery for archaeology geeks. What if the old joke, "Cancel Easter. They found the body." came true? Dr. Jonathan Weber discovers the body of Jesus of Nazareth buried in Ramallah. Or does he? He and his companions endeavor to verify the authenticity of their find. In the meanwhile, news of the discover leaks out and the world has to deal with the consequences of a Christ who has not risen. It's an intriguing concept and I did get caught up in the mystery. However, the book did come across as biblical scholar fan fiction. I love Dr. Maier's non-fiction and his lectures, but as a novelist--especially when writing scenes of romance--he has much to learn.

Waiting room material  
LibraryThing link

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