Monday, August 31, 2015

Congregational Leadership in Anxious Times

by Peter L. Steinke

I serve on the church council for our congregation, so I had to read this book. I don't particularly consider myself a leader, mind you. So perhaps that's why I wasn't impressed. The book did offer some good advice, I guess. It just seemed, well, obvious: Don't panic. Think things through. Stick to your principles. Really listen to people. ... Of course, I suppose that during a crisis--in church or elsewhere--one does need to be reminded of the obvious.

Waiting room material, I guess.
LibraryThing link


Friday, August 28, 2015

Hornblower During the Crisis

by C. S. Forester

The first part of this book an uncompleted story that follows the events of Hornblower and the "Hotspur".  Hornblower is between assignments, yet manages to find himself in action against the French. The extant part of the story ends with him receiving an espionage assignment to Spain. Then, to make the book somewhat thicker, the editors added two short stories. "Hornblower's Temptation" is set during his years as a lieutenant aboard the Renown, while "The Last Encounter" occurs on land, during a stormy evening at Admiral Lord Hornblower's estate. While it's not Mr. Forester's best work, it is all entertaining.

Adding it to my shelf.
LibraryThing link

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Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Watership Down

by Richard Adams

Bunnies! I can't believe I like a book about bunnies! But that's how it is. My wife's had this book for years and, even though I had heard it was a good book, I never read it. When I heard the protagonists were rabbits, I figured the tale was all soft and fluffy--certainly nothing suitable for a manly man such as myself. I probably would never had read it except that Frederic Durbin had mentioned it as one of his favorites. And that's a powerful recommendation for me.

So read it I did and was suitably impressed. Watership Down is a story about rabbits. But it's also a story about manly things like adventure, a quest, war, and meeting girls. It's the tale of a group of rabbits who leave their warren, fleeing a prophesied disaster. They seek out a new home, facing danger from predators, the elements and even other rabbits. I enjoyed the adventure. Even more so I liked how Mr. Adams created a whole culture for the rabbits. It gave a sense that I was truly reading about an alien people, as much (if not more so) than any science fiction tale I've read.

I'll keep it on my shelf even if my wife should one day change her mind.
LibraryThing link


Saturday, August 01, 2015


Another year, another Concordia Commentary read. Man, these things take a long time to read!* Of course, it should be no surprise that this particular volume was a challenge because the book of Proverbs itself challenges the attention span. Dr. Steinmann did a great job of delving into the text and explaining its nuances, and all sorts of scholarly things. And, as should be the case with a Concordia Commentary, he made sure to point out Christ in every chapter. Taken in small chunks, it was a delight to read. My few attempts to push through it, alas, resulted in drowsiness.
*DISCLAIMER: I've got a couple other scholarly volumes that I have been concurrently perusing. That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it.

Keeping it on my shelf.
LibraryThing link

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