Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Terrible Maps

by Michael Howe

A silly little book from a silly little Twitter feed that I've been enjoying. It uses maps to make bad puns and/or poke fun at the way we use maps in our society. I definitely recommend it if you want to have a bit of silly in your life. 

waiting room material 
LibraryThing link


Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Double Comfort Safari Club

by Alexander McCall Smith

In volume 11, Mma Ramotswe is called upon to find an heir, uncover evidence of a philandering husband, and figure out a way to help a man who was scammed to give away his house. Complicating life is a serious accident suffered by Phuti Radiphuti which threatens his upcoming marriage to Grace Makutsi. Like the other books in this series, it's a fun, light read with likable characters. 

waiting room material
LibraryThing link

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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Spacetrawler: Fallen to Madness

by Christopher Baldwin

In the third collection of Spacetrawler a band of liberated eebs are running amuck, seeking revenge against the galaxy that enslaved them by torching entire planets with their powerful telekinesis. The six humans who were instrumental in freeing the eebs are faced with the choice of hiding out or trying to stop the genocidal rampage. Of course, with these humans, neither choice will go as planned... 

On my shelf!
LibraryThing link

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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Spacetrawler: Brograhm's Teeth

by Christopher Baldwin

First read in May of 2016

Also on my shelf!
LibraryThing link

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Monday, June 10, 2024

Spacetrawler: The Human Seat

by Christopher Baldwin

First read in May of 2016

Still on my shelf!
LibraryThing link

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Sunday, June 02, 2024

David Copperfield's History of Magic

by David Copperfield, Richard Wiseman, and David Britland

I regret to report that this book didn't amaze me. Granted, I wasn't expecting amazement. I saw this coffee table book on the clearance rack at Half Price Books and it piqued my curiosity. I figured I could read it and then pass it on to the guys in the shelter. But I digress. 

This tome is a history of magic, illustrated by photos of the collection of The International Museum and library of the Conjuring Arts. I found both the history and the photos to be on the light side. The text didn't draw me into story of either the craft or the individual people highlighted. Nor were the pictures sufficient to make me linger over each page, soaking in the visuals. But, in the end it is good waiting room material. Hopefully some of the guys at the shelter will enjoy it.

LibraryThing link


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