Monday, February 11, 2002

Reading Between the Lines

by Gene Edward Veith, Jr.

Some of the best books I've read are hand-me-downs from my wife. That is, books that she has read and told me about which I then read for myself. (I wish I could say I give her as many literary hand-me-downs as she has given me, but alas, I read too much brain candy. But I digress...) This one is a English professor's guide to English literature as viewed through a Christian worldview. It's purpose is to help Christians think critically about what they choose to read. Professor Veith looks at the value of reading, then surveys the forms (fiction, non-fiction, poetry) and modes (tragedy, comedy, realism and fantasy) of literature. He then finishes up with a brief look at the history of English literature, showing how popular woldviews of various times play out in society's literature. This book is by no means comprehensive -- Mr. Veith is concerned mainly with Christian writers and their work -- but it does show that there have been good Christian authors out there. Ones you might even find outside of a Christian bookstore. Y'all should check it out.

LibraryThing link


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