Sunday, March 10, 2002

The Gorilla and the Fairy

by Carol Young

I strongly recommend that you buy this book..... What's that? Why should you buy this book? Um, well, the author's a friend of mine. ... I said, the author's a friend of mine. I know, I know, I'm violating all sorts of objective journalistic ethics. If I were an objective journalist instead of an electronic pre-press operator, I'd feel really bad. Seriously, I really can't give you any sort of review. This book is a fable about domestic violence and recovery. Since I am neither an abuser or an abusee, I could not relate to the tale. Carol has told me that a couple of women who have been in such a sitation have read the book and have found it really helpful. I can take Carol's word for it because she is one of the sweetest people the good Lord has ever created and is not one to glorify herself. Anyway, good or bad, this is a psychological/counseling type book and they usually aren't much good to those outside its targeted audience. I ended up wondering more about the gorilla and his lack of redemptiveness. But like I said, Carol's an angel, so go ahead and buy a copy even if you just trash it right away. Better yet, just send her the money and let her sell the book to someone else.

LibraryThing link


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