Sunday, July 20, 2003
War Talk
by Arundhati Roy
Ms. Roy writes quite beautifully about horrible things. War Talk is a collection of essays centering on the warmongers of our age--from fascist mobs in Baroda, India to the Commander in Chief in Washington, USA. I can't imagine that it would be pleasant reading for any American who wants to feel good about their country. But this American found it very compelling. Her political biases are definitely leftist, but many of the points she makes transcend politics. What the hell is so important that it can justify the pain, suffering and death on which Ms. Roy reports? The only answer which comes to my mind is "nothing". The events of this year have increased my interest in things political and have pushed my political ideals to the left. What will come of it and how War Talk fits into it all, I don't know. But it has helped me to understand those psalms of lament in the Bible--the ones in which the writer cries out to God for deliverance, justice and vengeance. Go ahead, sacrifice some comfort and check out War Talk.
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