Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Cabin Faced West

by Jean Fritz

This one's another pioneer girl tale. I'm getting tired of pioneer girl tales, so I probably won't rate this as high as it may deserve. I suppose that's the burden I must bear, being the father of daughters and reading their books and all. I suppose I could wish I had sons, but with my luck, they would have taken after their mother and liked baseball. But I digress. We were talking about this little pioneer girl, Anne Hamilton, whose family has moved to the Western frontier. In this case, the frontier is western Pennsylvania, in the 1780s. One unique thing about Anne, as a pioneer girl character is that she doesn't like being a pioneer. She's longing for the good ol' days back in Gettysburg, where she had things like a friend her own age (and gender) and windows in her home. Beyond that, and a surprise at the end of the story, the tale is pretty standard pioneer girl stuff. Overall it's well written with likable characters. Ms. Fritz's writing does draw one into the story. The story is based on a real person, so there is also the nice touch of finding out what eventually happened to the characters after the end of the tale. Anyway, I would rate this one as waiting room material but as I said, I'm kind of biased against the genre, so take my opinions with a grain of salt.
LibraryThing link

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