Sunday, March 02, 2008
Things Are Looking Up...
by Lynn Johnston
In this collection we get a whole bunch of baby jokes, dating jokes, farm jokes, middle age jokes, peer pressure jokes, sibling rivalry jokes, drivers ed jokes, and noisy neighbor jokes. Well, there's also some character development and drama, which makes For Better or For Worse so enjoyable to read.
It's on my shelf.
LibraryThing link
In this collection we get a whole bunch of baby jokes, dating jokes, farm jokes, middle age jokes, peer pressure jokes, sibling rivalry jokes, drivers ed jokes, and noisy neighbor jokes. Well, there's also some character development and drama, which makes For Better or For Worse so enjoyable to read.
It's on my shelf.
LibraryThing link
Labels: ForBetterofForWorse, LynnJohnston, OnMyShelf
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