Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Albert Einstein and the Theory of Relativity

by Robert Cwiklik

I didn't care much for this biography of Albert Einstein. Oh, it presented the facts of his life well enough. It also did a good job of explaining Einstein's theories and showing why they were so revolutionary. What turned me off was Mr. Cwiklik's style of presenting Einstein's life. He didn't engage the reader in the story, but instead came across as talking down to his audience. (I know, this is a biography for "young people", but it is possible to write at a child's level without sacrificing readability.) I also wondered how many of the personal thoughts and feelings were actually Einstein's and how many were author generated filler. So in the end, while I did learn something from the book, I was left wondering if I there was a better biography out there, somewhere.

Waiting room material, relatively speaking.
LibraryThing link


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